Biodiversity header: Prairie sunset
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Abundance: Behavior: Demography: Density: Dispersal: Distribution: Diversity: Geology: Maps: Navigation:
Seasonal variation: Spatial variation: Temporal variation:


Bacteria: Algae: Fungi: Protozoa: Sponges: Coelenterata: Planaria: Turbellaria: Rotifera:
Oligochaete: Crustacea: Insecta: Gastropoda: Pelecypoda: Fish: Amphibia: Reptilia:


Statewide: Eastern Oklahoma: Northeast Oklahoma: Northwest Oklahoma: Southeastern Oklahoma: Southern Oklahoma: Western Oklahoma:


Alfalfa: Blaine: Carter: Cherokee: Cimarron: Cleveland: Creek: Custer: Delaware: Garfield: Haskell:
Johnston: Kingfisher: Love: Marshall: Mayes: McCurtain: McIntosh: Murray: Nowata: Oklahoma:
Osage: Ottawa: Pawnee: Payne: Pittsburg: Pottawatomie: Sequoyah: Tulsa: Wagoner: Washinton: Washita:


Plankton: Pelagic: Periphyton: Benthos: Benthic macroinvertebrate: Parasite:


Breeding habitat: Cattle tank: Cave: Ditch: Farm pond: Intermittant stream: Irrigation canal: Lake: Pond: Reservoir:
River: Spring: Stream: Swamp: Temporary pool:


Biomass: Cannibalism: Chlorophyll: Drought: Ecosystem model: Energy dynamics: Energy flow: Environmental impact:
Erosion: Evaporative loss: Flooding: Flow regime: Food availability: Food habit: Ground water: Growth rate:
Gut analysis: Inundation: Life span: Longitudinal segregation: Mechanical aeration: Nitrogen cycle: Oil:
Photosynthetic efficiency: Population structure: Predation: Productivity: P/r ratio: Rainfall: Respiration:
Scouring: Sediment transport: Substrate: Succession: Suspended sediment: Trees: Wind direction:

Water quality:

Alkalinity: BOD: Brine: Chloride: Chromium: Conductivity: Copper: Discharge: Dissolved oxygen:
Dissolved solids: Effluent: Fecal coliforms: Free CO2: Heavy metal: Lead: Light penetration: Nitrates: Nutrients:
PH: Phosphorus: Physico-chemical parameters: Pollution: Retention level: Salinity: Suspended sediment: Temperature:
Toxicity: Transparency: Turbidity: Zinc:


Flood control: Solid waste management: Water resources management:


Destratification: Lake morphology: Paleolimnology: Sediment deposition: Stratification: Stream order: Water level:


Commercial harvest: Power generation: Recreational use: