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Search tips for SWAN membership list

You can search by name, address, and interests--or any combination of these. You can enter more than one interest in the same search. Information entered in the address field will be searched for in all lines of the address. States of the United States are standard two-letter postal codes, not the whole name. The search returns all records that match all of the terms. Returned records might have the term embedded in a longer word contained in the name or address field. For example, if you search for ok in the address box, all records with the postal code OK, the word Oklahoma, and any word with ok within it, like Okeana or Cooksville, will be returned. If you want a more general search, enter fewer terms. You may want to start with a more general search with fewer terms, and then conduct subsequent (new) searches using more and more terms to find the specific members you want.

This page is sponsored by the Oklahoma Biological Survey
