Southwestern Association of Naturalists
Each year at its Annual Meeting, the Southwestern
Association of Naturalists makes an award for the best paper presented by
a student. The Wilks Award provides a monetary allotment
of $1000, a certificate, and all available past issues of The Southwestern Naturalist.
More information about competing for the Wilks Award
can be found under Instructions for Student Awards.
2016 |
Hollis Dahn University of Central Florida |
Comparative phylogeography of Arizona elegans and Rhinocheilus lecontei: two perspectives on North American desert biogeography / Filogeografia comparativa de Arizona elegans y Rhinocheilus lecontei: dos perspectivas sobre la biogeografia del desierto de América del Norte. |
2015 |
Lucas K. Hall Brigham Young University |
Desert bats and water: the importance of flight maneuverability in a changing climate/Los murciélagos del desierto y el agua: la importancia de maniobrabilidad de vuelo en un clima cambiante. |
2014 |
Adam W. Ferguson Texas Tech University |
Skunks at the crossroads: assessing the interplay between environmental, morphological and genetic variation in the American hog-nosed skunk (Conepatus leuconotus)/Zorrillos en la encrucijada: Evaluación de la interacción entre el medio ambiente, variaciones morfológicas, y genéticas en el zorrillo Conepatus leuconotus. |
2013 |
Nathan S. Holoubek Emporia State University |
Bird occupancy in relation to habitat structure in the oak savanna cross timbers of Kansas, USA / Ocupacion de pajaros en relacion a estructuras de habitat en el roble sabana a traves de bisques de Kansas, USA. |
2012 |
Jesús A. Fernández Louisiana State University |
Comparative biogeography of the arid lands of central Mexico/ Biogeografía comparada de las zonas áridas del centro de México. |
2012 |
Sara B. González-Pérez University of Oklahoma |
Bats of Colima, México: characterizing ecological aspects of distributions and habitats/Murciélagos de Colima, México: caracterizando aspectos ecológicos de su distribución y habitat. |
2011 |
Jason Strickland Angelo State University |
Phylogeography of the cottonmouth, Agkistrodon piscivorus, determined by AFLP and venom protein profiles/Filogeografia del mocasin, Agkistrodon piscivorus, determinado por AFLP y los perfiles de proteinas del veneno. |
2010 |
Shahan Derkarabetian San Diego State University |
Systematics of the Sclerobuninae (Arachnida: Opiliones: Laniatores): Cryptic Species and Troglomorphic Evolution / Sistemática Del Sclerobuninae (Arachnida: Opiliones: Laniatores): Especies Secreta Y Evolución De Troglomórphico. |
2009 |
Nicté Ordóñez-Garza Texas Tech University |
Sphenotypic and genetic concordance in three species of Central American Peromyscus (Rodentia, Cricetidae). |
2008 |
Jennifer Gumm Lehigh University |
Sex recognition by pupfish: who are female mimics fooling? |
2007 |
Bart W. Durham Texas Tech University |
The influence of stream-discharge on the reproductive success of Great Plains cyprinids: Isi it time for a new paradigm? |
2006 |
P. Raelyn Deaton University of Oklahoma |
Do big boys always win? Male body size affects reproductive success in a livebearing fish. |
2005 |
James B. Johnson Stephen F. Austin State University |
Selection on tadpole morphology and swimming performance: an evaluation of the morphology, performance, and fitness paradigm. |
2004 |
Scott P. Egan Texas State University |
Host plant quality and local adaptation as determinants of the distribution of a gall-forming herbivore. |
2003 |
Dave P. Onorato Oklahoma State University |
Genetic structure of American black bears in the desert southwest of North America: Conservation implications for recolonization. |
2002 |
Ricardo Torres-Cervantes Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México |
Reproductive patterns of an anuran community from the |
2002 |
Density-dependent ecosystem effects of fishes from four functional groups. |
2001 |
Linda M. Ilse |
Porcupines, pinyon pines, and pine engravers: what's the connection. |
2000 |
Christine L. Hice |
The impact of habitat and disturbance on small mammal community structure in humid tropical forests. |
1999 |
Tropical bats, subtropical communities, and biogeographic interfaces: Seasonal variation in the structure of a guild of frugivores. |
1998 |
Karen Voltura |
Parental investment in house sparrows (Passer domesticus): An experimental manipulation of brood sex ratio. |
1997 |
Paul J. Gier |
The interplay between environment, social behavior, and morphology: case studies in Iguanids. |
1996 |
J. Curtis Creighton |
Reproductive tradeoffs in the burying beetle, Nicrophorus orbicollis. |
2016 |
Luz M. Sil-Berra Instituto de Biología, UNAM |
Crecimiento y desarrollo postnatal de Balantiopteryx plicata (Chiroptera: Emballonuridae) en refugios artificiales del occidente de Jalisco, México / Postnatal growth and development of Balantiopteryx plicata (Chiroptera: Emballonuridae) in artificial roosts in western of Jalisco, Mexico. |
2015 |
Kelbi D. Delaune Sam Houston State University |
Flow-dependent competition between the endangered Gambusia nobilis and invasive Gambusia geiseri in a desert wetland/Flujo dependiente interacciones competitivas entre las amenazadas Gambusia nobilis e invasor de la Gambusia geiseri en un hábitat de humedales del desierto |
Each year at its Annual Meeting, the Southwestern Association of Naturalists makes an award for the best posters presented by a student depicting the student's original research. The first place award consists of a monetary allotment of $600 and a set of all available back issues of The Southwestern Naturalist. Second and third place awards provide a monetary allotment of $400 and $300, respectively. More information about competing for the Clark Hubbs Student Poster Awards can be found under Instructions for Student Awards.
2016 |
Alejandra Osorio University of Central Florida |
Concatenation vs coalescence: determining evolutionary relationships within the snake tribe Lampropeltini / Concatenación vs coalescencia: determinando las relaciones evolutivas en la tribu Lampropeltini de serpientes. |
Dafne Gri Zárate-Martínez Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa |
Relaciones intraespecíficas de Pteronotus personatus (Chiroptera: Mormoopidae) / Intraspecific relationships of Pteronotus personatus (Chiroptera: Mormoopidae). |
Kathryn Michelle Benavidez Texas State University |
Leptospira prevalence in small mammals on Puerto Rican dairy farms/ Prevalencia de Leptospira en pequeños mamíferos en granjas lecheras de Puerto Rico. |
2015 |
Jason Strickland University of Central Florida |
Maintenance of venom phenotypes in Mojave rattlesnakes in spite of gene flow and environmental similarity/Mantenimiento de fenotipos de veneno en serpientes de cascabel mojave a pesar de flujo de genes y semejanza ambiental. |
Alejandra Osorio University of Central Florida |
Phylogenetics of the depauperate general within Lampropeltini (Serpentes: Colubridae)/Filogenéticos de los géneros depauperados dentros Lampropeltini (Serpentes: Colubridae). |
Hollis Dahn University of Central Florida |
Comparative phylogeography of Arizona elegans and Rhinocheilus lecontei (Serpentes: Colubridae) in the American Southwest/Filogeografía comparativo de Arizona elegans y Rhinocheilus lecontei (Serpentes: Colubridae) en el Sudoeste Americano. |
2014 |
Donald T. McNight Missouri StateUniversity |
The omnivorous diet of the western chicken turtle (Deirochelys reticularia miaria)/La dieta omnívora de la tortuga pollo occidental (Deirochelys reticularia miaria). |
Marie-Eve Jacques Oklahoma State University |
Maintaining low basal area in oak-pine forests of southeast Oklahoma alters small mammal communities/Mantener área basal baja en los bosques de robles y pinos en el sureste de Oklahoma altera las comunidades de mamiferos pequeños. |
Laura Stewart University of Southern Mississippi |
Influence of local thermal adaptation on temperature preference across a latitudinal gradient/Influencia de adaptación termal local en la preferencia de temperatura a lo largo de un gradiente latitudinal. |
2013 |
Corey D. Cates University of Texas at Tyler |
Behavioral changes related to compensatory growth in corn snakes (Pantherophis guttata)/Cambios en el comportamiento relacionado con el crecimiento compenstorio en corn snakes (Pantherophis guttata) |
Savannah Michaelsen University of Southern Mississippi |
Fluctuating asymmetry as an indicator of environmental stress in the Mississippi Sound caused by the 2010 deepwater horizon oil spill/Asmimetría fluctuante como un indicador de estrés ambiental en el Mississippi Sound causada por el "deep water horizon" derrame de aceite en el 2010 . |
Reid Morehouse Oklahoma State University |
Crayfishes of Oklahoma: Identification, distributions, and ecology/Los cangrejos de río de Oklahoma: Indentificación, distribuciones y ecología |
2012 |
Roberto Carlos Almazán-Nuñez Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapala |
Effect of three successional stages in the community of frugivorous birds in a tropical dry forest of Guerrero, Mexico / Effecto de tres etapas sucesionales en la comunidad de aves frugivoras en una selva seca de Guerrero, Mexico. |
Ailed Perez Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Mexico |
Movements of Kinosternum integrum in Tonatico Estado de Mexico/Movimientos espaciales de Kinosternum integrum en Tonatico Estado de Mexico. |
Sara Isabel Valenzuela-Ceballos Universidad Juárez del Estado de Durango |
Thermoregulation of Uta stansburiana at the south of its distribution/ Termoregulacion de Uta stansburiana en el sur de su distribucion. |
2011 |
Jason M. Taylor Baylor University |
Influence of grazing-fish mediated nutrient recycling on downstream ecosystem function. |
2010 |
Carla Atkinson University of Oklahoma |
Ecosystem services performed by native freshwater mussels: filter feeding and nutrient cycling. |
2009 |
Taylor B. Cotton Stephen F. Austin State University |
The effects of Chinese tallow (Sapium sebiferum) leaf litter on four anuran tadpoles. |
2008 |
Israel Del Toro University of Texas at El Paso
Heavy metal sequestration in rough harvester ant (Pogonomyrmex rugosus) communities of the northern Chihuahuan Desert. |
2007 |
C. R. Randklev University of North Texas
Conservation implications of prehistoric unionids found in the Upper Trinity River Drainage. |
2006 |
Marta Pilar Ibarra-López Universidad de Guadalajara |
Recursos florales utilizados por Lasionycteris curasoae y Glossophaga soricina en el suroeste del estado de Jalisco: ¿especialistas o generalistas? |
2005 |
Jennifer L. Curtis University of Central Oklahoma |
Chiggers on lizards: variable patterns of mite infestation within a population of collared lizards. |
2004 |
Jason L. Malaney Eastern New Mexico State University |
Habitat selection by snowshoe hare and mountain cottontail in a zone of sympatry. |
2003 |
Jason L. Malaney Eastern New Mexico State University |
Primary productivity and habitat quality hypotheses for control of snowshoe hare (Lepus americanus) demography. |
2002 |
H. Luja Molina Unidad de Biología, Tecnología y Prototipos |
La conducta alimentaria de la nauyaca Bothrops asper (Serpentes: Viperidae) en Cautiverio. |
2001 |
Andrew G. Hope Eastern |
Biogeographic nestedness and conservation of boreal mammals in the
western contiguous |
2000 |
Christopher T. Winne |
Daily activity patterns in Cnemidophorus inornatus and C. septemvittatus a programmed behavior? |
1999 |
Miguel A. León-Galván |
Cambios morfometricos
estacionales en testiculos
y epididimos del Corynorhinus
mexicanos (Chiroptera:
Vespertilionidae) en |
1998 |
Effects of variable winds on dispersal of wind dispersed fruits: The role of the beak. |
1997 |
Geographic Information System as a tool for examining patterns of host specificity. |
1996 |
Functional diversity of aquatic bacteria in playa lakes: Spatial organization and landscape characteristics. |
The Howard McCarley Student Research
Fund provides up to eight awards annually, up to $1000 each, to support student
research. Applicants must be students
(undergraduate or graduate) currently enrolled in an institution of higher
education, sponsored by a faculty member, and a member of the Southwestern
Association of Naturalists. Awards
will be made in support of any aspect of research on biota
of the southwestern
2016 | |
Juan Jiménez, Universidad Juárez del Estado de Durango Title: Research advisor: Rebeca Pérez Morales |
Luz Sil Berra, Instituto de Biología, UNAM Title: Research advisor: Cornelio Sánchez Hernández |
Andrew Mason, University of Central Florida Title: Research advisor: Chris Parkinson |
Gina Calabrese, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Title: Research advisor: Karen Phennig |
Tim O’Connor, University of California Berkley Title: Research advisor: Noah Whiteman |
Carmina Martinez Gonzales, Instituto de Biología, UNAM Title: Research advisor: Víctor Hugo Reynoso Rosales |
Amanda Driscoe, Texas State University Title: Research advisor: James Ott |
Pamela Cisneros, St. Edwards University Title: Research advisor: Raelynn Deaton Haynes |
2015 | |
Kate Bell, Texas State University Title: Research advisor: Chris Nice |
Lynne Beaty, Oklahoma State University Title: Research advisor: Barney Luttbeg |
Justin Agan, Oklahoma State University Title: Research advisor: Stanley Fox |
Young Zhou, Texas A&M University Title: Research advisor: Thomas W. Boutton |
Miguel Aguillar, Texas State University Title: Research advisor: Joe Beech |
Danielle Perryman, Oklahoma State University Title: Research advisor: Jennifer Grindstaff |
Julian Rios, St. Edwards University Title: Research advisor: Raelynn Deaton Haynes |
Clint Morris, St. Edwards University Title: Research advisor: Raelynn Deaton Haynes |
2014 | |
Denise Thompson, Oklahoma State University Title: Research advisor: Ron Van Den Bussche |
Jason Strickland, University of Central Florida Title: Research advisor: Chris Parkinson |
Catherine Bell, Texas State University Title: Research advisor: Chris Nice |
Scott Clark, University of Southern Mississippi Title: Research advisor: Jake Schaefer |
Erin Adams, Angelo State University Title: Research advisor: Loren Ammerman |
Laura Stewart, University of Southern Mississippi Title: Research advisor: Jake Schaefer |
Holis Dahn, University of Central Florida Title: Research advisor: Chris Parkinson |
April Navarro, St. Edwards University Title: Research advisor: Raelynn Deaton Haynes |
2013 | |
Charline Valerie Mejia, St. Edwards University Title: Research advisor: Raelynn Deaton |
Hillary P. Evans, St. Edwards University Title: Research advisor: Raelynn Deaton |
Emma Roberts, Texas Tech University Title: Research advisor: Robert D. Bradley |
Ruben Tovar, Texas State University Title: Research advisor: Dana García |
Oliver Keller, Wichita State University Title: Research advisors: Mary Liz Jameson |
Matthew J. Troia, Kansas State University Title: Research advisor: Keith Gido |
Danielle Alba, Oklahoma State University Title: Research advisor: Michael Tobler |
Scott Clark, University of Southern Mississippi Title: Research advisor: Jake Schaefer |
2012 | |
Fiona Soper, Cornell University Title: Research advisor: Jed Sparks |
Sarah Bartlett, Angelo State University Title: Research advisor: Loren Ammerman |
Danielle Alba, Oklahoma State University Title: Research advisor: Michael Tobler |
Melissa Jones, Texas State University Title: Research advisor: Michael Forstner |
Lily Swanbrow, Texas State University Title: Research advisors: Caitlin Gabor |
Desirae Weyland, Texas State University Title: Research advisor: Chris Nice |
Chelsea Blake, Texas State University Title: Research advisor: Caitlin Gabor |
2011 | |
Johanna Varner, University of Utah Title: Research advisor: M. Denise Dearing |
Andrea Acevedo, Oklahoma State University Title: Research advisor: Stanley Fox |
Cody W. Thompson, Texas Tech University Title: Research advisor: Robert D. Bradley |
Drew R. Davis, Texas State University Title: Research advisor: Caitlin R. Gabor |
Jessica L. Sanchez, Sam Houston State University Title: Research advisor: P. Raelynn Deaton |
2010 | |
Melissa Merrick, University of Arizona Title: Research advisor: John Koprowski |
Adam Ferguson, Texas Tech University Title: Research advisor: Richard E. Strauss |
Kevin Kohl, University of Utah Title: Research advisor: Denise Dearing |
Dana Lee, Oklahoma State University Title: Research advisor: Ron Van den Bussche |
Jason Strickland, Angelo State University Title: Research advisors: J. Kelly McCoy and Loren Ammerman |
2009 | |
Kelly Goodsheller, Texas State University Title: Research advisor: Susan Schwinning |
Matthew Anderson, Oklahoma State University Title: Research advisor: Stanley Fox |
Paul Hampton, University of Louisiana at Lafayette Title: Research advisor: Brad Moon |
Cristina Campbell, Texas State University Title: Research advisor: James Ott |
Anica Debelica, Baylor University Title: Research advisor: Ken Wilkins |
2008 | |
Ecosystem services performed by native freshwater mussels: filter feeding and nutrient cycling
Laura Alberici da Barbiano, Texas State University-San Marcos Title: Research advisor: Caitlin Gabor |
Michelle H. Downey, Texas State University-San Marcos Title: Research advisor: Chris C. Nice |
J. Hayley Gillespie, University of Texas at Austin Title: Research advisor: Camille Parmesan |
Christopher Kroll, Sam Houston State University Title: Research advisor: P. Raelynn Deaton |
Meredith Magnuson, Oklahoma State University Title: Research advisor: Karen McBee |
2007 | |
Clinton D Francis, University of Colorado Title: Research advisor: Alexander Cruz |
Jennifer M. Gumm, Lehigh University Title: Research advisor: Murray Itzkowitz |
Margaret Greenlee Rheude, University of Arizona Title: Research advisor: John L. Koprowski |
Cybil Nicole Smith, Oklahoma State University Title: Research advisor: Stanley Fox |
Pamela Willis, University of Texas at Austin Title: Research advisor: Michael J. Ryan |
2006 | |
Robert W. Bryson, University of Nevada, Las Vegas Title: Research advisor: Javier A. Rodriguez |
P. Raelynn Deaton, University of Oklahoma Title: Research advisor: Edie Marsh-Matthews |
Andrew J. Edelman, University of New Mexico Title: Research advisor: Astrid Kodric-Brown |
Sheena Humbird, Sam Houston State University Title: Research advisor: Diane Neudorf |
Molly M. McDonnough, Angelo State University Title: Research advisor: Loren Ammerman |
2005 | |
Rebecca M. Calisi, University of Texas at Arlington Title: Research advisor: Daniel Formanowicz |
Catalina Estrada, University of Texas at Austin Title: Research advisor: Lawrence E. Gilbert |
David P. Gillette, University of Oklahoma Title: Research advisor: William J. Matthews |
John H. Matthews, University of Texas at Austin Title: Research advisor: Camille Parmesan |
Rachael Remington, University of Oklahoma Title: Research advisor: William J. Matthews |
2004 | |
Katie N. Bertrand, Kansas State University Title: Research advisor: Keith B. Gido |
P. Raelynn Deaton, University of Oklahoma Title: Research advisor: Edie Marsh-Matthews |
Josh Donlan, Cornell University Title: Research advisor: Harry Greene |
María Cristina García de la Peña, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León Title: Research advisor: Armando J. Contreras Balderas |
Matthew D. Stone, Oklahoma State University Title: Research advisor: Eric C. Hellgren |
2003 | |
Chad Hargrave, University of Oklahoma Title: Research advisor: Bill Matthews |
Beth Moeller, Oklahoma State University Title: Research advisor: Eric Hellgren |
Bret Pasch, University of Arizona Title: Research advisor: John Koprowski |
Aaron Reed, Kansas State University Title: Research advisor: Glennis Kaufman |
Sarah Weyandt, Oklahoma State University Title: Research advisor: Ron Van Den Bussche |
The Southwestern Association of Naturalists each year grants Bruce Stewart Student Travel Awards to help defray travel and meeting expenses for students attending the annual meeting. For a given year, these awards are given to student applicants outside the host country who are giving an oral or poster presentation. To receive this award, students must be current SWAN members. Students who have received two travel awards previously are ineligible. Specific instructions and deadlines (generally 1 February) for online applications are posted each year on the SWAN website.
Please send
your suggestions and comments to
This page was updated on 2 February 2015.
This page
is sponsored by the
Oklahoma Biological Survey