SWAN Student Job Board
Welcome to the SWAN Student Job Board!
The idea for this job board came from the 2006 SWAN student workshop in Colima. Students felt that it would help them to locate professors in need of graduate students or post-docs, research positions and other related opportunities.
We invite both professors, students and other professionals to post any job postings including openings for positions such as undergraduate research assistants to graduate and post-doc opportunities. Please encourage any students or SWAN members you know to post. You do not have to be a member of SWAN to participate, though we'd love to have you as part of our organization.
If possible, please include both a Spanish and English version in your job posting (ask a friend to help you).
Send your job postings to dhough@ou.edu
If you have questions or comments, please feel free to contact Jason Strickland (jstrickland@angelo.edu), or Jorge Armando Contreras Lozano (pichi_best@hotmail.com) co-chairs of the SWAN Student Advisory Committee.
Bienvenidos al Tablero de Trabajo Estudiantil de SWAN.
La idea de este, surgió en la reunión del SWAN realizada en Colima, México en el 2006, con el propósito de hacerle saber a estudiantes sobre profesores buscando estudiantes de pos grado o de pos doctorado, para trabajo de investigación y otras oportunidades relacionadas.
Invitamos a profesores, estudiantes y otros profesionales, presenten y comuniquen cualquier oportunidad de investigación y/o profesional, para estudiantes de pre-grado hasta pos doctorado. Pedimos que nos ayuden a promover dichas oportunidades difundiendo esta información a estudiantes y otros miembros de SWAN. No se requiere ser miembro de SWAN para participar, aunque nos encantaría su integración a nuestra organización.
Cuando sea posible, les pedimos se incluyan versiones en español e inglés de cualquier comunicación añadida. Envíen sus comunicaciones a dhough@ou.edu
Cualquier pregunta o sugerencia se pueden comunicar a Jason Strickland, (jstrickland@angelo.edu), or Jorge Armando Contreras Lozano (pichi_best@hotmail.com) co-jefes del Comité Estudiantil de SWAN.
Here are links to the job boards for these organizations:
Society for Conservation Biology
Eco jobs
ESA Job Board
American Association for the Advancement of Science
American Entomological Society
American Ornithologists' Union
American Society of Ichthyologists & Herpetologists
American Society of Mammalogists
Animal Behavior Society
Genetics Society of America
National Academies, job links on left menu
International Society for Neuroethology
Primate Info Net
Association for Women in Science
New Scientist
Earthworks – Primarily European
Environmental Career
US Government Jobs
Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology
Society for Neuroscience
Birdnet – Grants, awards and prizes in ornithology
Smithsonian Jobs
Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles
Society for the Study of Evolution
TAMU Job Board
Botanical Society of America