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Wetland and Aquatic Plants of Oklahoma

Interactive Keys: Free Floating Plants

Bladderworts (Lentibulariaceae)

NWI status: All bladderworts are OBL.

Humped bladderwort (Utricularia gibba L.)                                          
click thumbnail to enlarge
Utricularia gibba map                      Utricularia gibba

The most common species of bladderwort in Oklahoma.  Typically produces only two to three flowers.

Swollen bladderwort
Utricularia inflata Walt.)
The swollen stems radiating from the flowering axis and the white to purple color of the flowers are distinctive characters of this species.

Common bladderwort
Utricularia macrorhiza Le Conte)

Utricularia macrorhiza map

This species is similar in appearance to humped bladderwort, but produces 6 or more flowers.

Utricularia subulata L.)

Notes: The characteristic bladders found on the stems of these plants are design to trap microorganisms.  Each bladder has a door or valve which snaps shut after an organism comes into contact with a trigger hair.  Bladderworts are eaten by fish, birds, and various mammals.  In addition, their often dense and provides shelter for invertebrates and juvenile fish.

Last update: 1/27/04
Comments to : Bruce Hoagland

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